About Us

Claudia and Gino

Founder of Light Beyond the Walls, Claudia and Gino have committed through this organization their life’s main goal: to better the wellbeing of others. Through principals of the Bible, they have learned the most simple of lessons, everyone matters, and they are dedicated to implementing change within communities of need. Blessed with this precious opportunity, they are dedicated to answering their calling and have never turned back. With the love and help of long-time friends and community, their commitment is to be faithful in everything God entrust them with. 

As Jesus once said, “for I was hungry you gave me food, I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I need clothes, you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me”. We at Light Beyond the Walls do just that, answer to every need that comes to us and care for as many as we can.  

Meet the Team

  • Missionary Dalva

    South Brazil

    Dalva joined Light Beyond the Walls in 2021 and plays a very active missionary role within the Brazilian community. She oversees the various ministries we partner with throughout the region of Brazil and has assumed the Treasurer role within our organization. She lives by the words: “God bring people together for a purpose and as a good Christ soldier…I’m always available to the call”.

  • Missionary Diane

    Sacramento CA

    With a passion for Evangelism, Diane is an active servant in many areas of the Sacramento community. She acts as a financial partner to Light Beyond the Walls since 2020 and assumes the role of Secretary of the organization. Previously she served as a Chaplain at San Francisco’s Peninsula Hospital and is dedicating to serving the community in any way she can.

  • Missionary Valeria

    New York City

    Valeria is a faithful servant with a deep passion for the homeless community and is frequently involved with organizing and delivering food throughout New York City. She is involved and dedicated to anything which may better the life of others. Valeria has been a financial partner to Light Beyond the Walls since 2020, and is also a prayer partner and advisor to the organization.